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Meet Coach Smith

Coach Ryan Smith is a respected Exercise Physiologist, Presenter, and Personal Trainer with a focus on Optimizing Endurance Athletes.  With a focus on the whole athlete, from movement patterns, training programs, nutrition & food psychology, recovery, and bio-marker interpretation.  He is science based & athlete focused.

Contact Coach Smith

Local and National Programs

Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky

Tel: 859-935-1RUN (1786)

An Introduction

Unique Tools

Whether you are a triathlete training for your first Ironman or a Couch to 5k Runner, efficiency and injury prevention should be at the top of your list to help you get through. You should first ask yourself "Do I want to thrive or survive with my running?" Survival leads to injury, thriving leads to results!

Optimizing all aspects of your of life and training is key, and THIS COACH has ALL the tools to get you there!

Ready to Optimize Your Internal Athlete?
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